Create a Custom Data
Create a Custom Data via Game Drive Console by select Custom Data -> New Custom Data
Create CustomData's schema by follow mongoose's schema but convert to json string. For example
"playerId": {
"type": "objectId",
"unique": true
"health": {
"type": "number",
"default": 50
"mana": {
"type": "number",
"default": 50
"type": "Date",
"default": ""
If set default value as string "", it will be converted to function
Avaliable field types
var types = {
'array': Array,
'buffer': Buffer,
'boolean': Boolean,
'date': Date,
'mixed': mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed,
'number': Number,
'objectid': mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
'string': String,
also can assign custom array by ["customData"]
Schema's default options you can NOT change { autoIndex: false, versionKey: false }
Schema's default options you can change { timestamps?: boolean | SchemaTimestampsConfig; minimize?: boolean _id?: boolean }
If you updated indexes, you need to do sync indexes manually on the web console.
Require other customData
- Can reference other customSchema to use as Subdocument
- Can not have circular require
- indexes will work only the customData that being called.
- schemaOptions working
- we can use schemaOptions { _id : false} on Subdocument to tell mongoose to not create _id field on the document
You need to add child CustomData to requires before extends
definitions, indexes and options will merge with child CustomData. If same keys exist, child keys will replace parent keys.
if you want to ignore parent indexes and use only child indexes, you can set inheritOptions.overrideIndexes = true
{ "definitions": { "dicesResult": { "type": "ShakeRecord.DiceResult" }, "shakeSettings": { "type": "ShakeRecord.ShakeSettingsData" } }, "options": { "timestamps": true }, "indexes": [ { "fields": { "createdAt": 1 }, "options": { "expireAfterSeconds": 60 } } ] }