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Using Endpoint

Sending request to endpoints

You can send request to endpoint with or without arguments.


endpoint: Basic
import { Request, Response } from 'gamedrive';

export default function (request: Request, response: Response) {

const data {
message: "hello from"


/* other properties
request.args - access arguments array
request.playerId - access player who send the request id

response.send( {data: "xxx"} ) - send data to client
response.sendError("message") - send error message to client
response.sendError("CODE", "message") - send error with code and message to client


return :

"message": "hello world"


You can use console.log() to print message to Conole->Logs

endpionts debugging
console.log("debug message")


argument max size is 1mb endpoint request will Timeout error in 10 seconds

Usig 'exposed-' prefix

  • url example : http://localhost:3010/endpoints/exposed/61b0c4993234d6b357638fd7/exposed-AUTO_GEN_TEST_EXPOSED?stage=PREVIEW&q1=q1&q2=q2

  • response.setStatusCode() works on exposed endpoints only

    default statusCode value is 200 even return errors. the value will change only when you set value > 0 response.statusCode = 201, 400

    use setStatusCode()

    if use response.sendError() or any error, status code will be override to 400

    exposedEndpoint will not have {errors:{}, data:{}} format sendError("message") will return { code: TEXT_ENDPOINT_SEND_ERROR message: "message" }

    send("message") will return "message"